Category Archives: Com 210: Final Blog Post

Final Blog Post

After completing the last assignment of this course, I would say my favorite project during the semester was the Audio Story project. I enjoyed interviewing my parents and my friend Lindsay and then finding the best way to combine all three of their interviews to make one complete story. It was challenging and then on top of that, adding music to try and really tie the whole story together really made me feel like I accomplished a lot after the assignment was completed.

I would say that I believe that I will most definitely be using Photoshop in the future; the other programs are also possible depending on what I end up doing in my career. Photoshop will definitely be getting some use just because I can think of so many reasons why I could use it; whether it be a work assignment or something for a family member or friend.

I’m not entirely sure what my career path will be. I thought that I was more interested in a Public Relations or Marketing field path but having the knowledge of these Adobe programs has made me take a step back and ponder what I could do with these newly acquired skills if I wanted to use them in the future in my career.

I think that this class was pretty well-rounded with the different kinds of programs we used and the different projects that we worked on. I don’t think there was anything I felt like I wished we would have worked on during this semester.

I think that this class will be very useful for students who take it in the future. I wish that Adobe had longer trial periods for students learning how to use their programs for a college class but overall the programs were pretty user-friendly. I’m also glad that the lab times were optional.